Tranformative spaces in the bathroom

Dornbracht repeatedly revisits the diverse possibilities of new technologies, transposing them to the design of trend-setting architectures. The individual demands people make on their surroundings are always paramount, and the innovation leader responds with progressive ideas. A sustainable view of the future also means looking at the visions and desires of future generations. These visions and desires are driven in particular by the prospect of an ever-changing reality of life, that will modulate the concept of space and materiality by means of technologies such as artificial intelligence or virtual reality.

How much physical materiality is even needed anymore in a digital world?

This question was the starting point for the collaboration with the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and the students of the course “Interactive media (B.A./B.Sc.)" , and different approaches were to be used for the investigation.

Shifting Sink - An interactive experience

The basin forms one of the central motifs of the bathroom, and consequently, is also an indispensable component of need-oriented interior design. The Shifting Sink is an interactive basin that responds to input from the user, thereby becoming an interactive element.

Making everyday routines an experience once again, while expanding the interface between the physical space and virtual reality – this is the aim behind the development of the Shifting Sink.

Distorted Echo - A reinterpretation of the mirror

A mirror shows an abstracted counterpart and breaks with the usual perception. A spatially distorted surface becomes a projection surface for generative animations of one's own image.

Living Tiles - Dynamic materials in the bathroom

What happens when projection and physical materiality are combined? And how is it possible to break down the conflict between hardness and softness? These questions form the basis for the development of Living Tiles, which expand the physical constitution and properties of classic bathroom tiles by an auditory and visual experience.

Eco Arc - Transformation of nature

Creating a new link to what is already known is also the approach behind the concept of Eco Arc. A block of wood acts as a classic, modular bathroom element, establishing a connection with nature by being overrun with moss, soil and seeds.

Transformation in the bathroom

"Transformative Spaces" thus becomes an installation that, through its combination of technology, nature and individual customization, enables new perspectives on proven bathroom architecture and hygiene rituals. The approaches dissolve static components, create new sensory stimuli with the help of movement, sound or light and thus offer an immersive experience in the bathroom that takes the user's emotional state into account. The resultant concepts allow an experimental and playful view of the changeable and individual space that Dornbracht has been realising for decades, in the form of the Transitional Design approach. The project has therefore provided a context in which the many possibilities of this approach can be further tested, considered, and integrated into current discourse. The results of this exchange of views also reflect what a new generation needs and requires from design and technology, and therefore provide with valuable impetus for the future.

New perspectives on changed realities

Gain further insights into the cooperation with Augsburg University of Applied Sciences.

Students: Catharina Bierl, Christian Frey, Gina-Maria Gioia, Timo Holzmann, Lucilia Metzer, Andreas Outos, Bastian Rögele, Oliver Schunn, Lisa Schwabe, Dorian Spiegelhauer

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Alessandra Zarcone, Prof. Andreas Muxel

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